Hashtag Hong Kong- Dr Ning Fan, founder of Health in Action (只有英文內容)

RTHK #Hashtag Hong Kong


Happy New Year. 

What is your goal for the New Year? When money, work or academics come with measurable standards for achievement, health was seldom on the top of the list until recent years. Being healthy couldn’t be made by a wish, or ensured by insurance coverage or taking health products. 

During the COVID pandemic, HIA community pharmacy provided surgical masks at a low cost to the community and offered consultation services and public education to enhance the public capacity for self-managements in managing COVID symptoms and different health issues and diseases. We work with property management to reinforce public hygiene and occupational health security guards, with restaurants to increase the provision of healthy menus, with schools to provide health support, and with different foundations to manage social determinant factors.



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  1. Facebook Messenger (https://www.facebook.com/healthinactioncommunitypharmacy/)
  2. Instagram DM (https://www.instagram.com/hiapharmacy?igsh=YzVkODRmOTdmMw==)
  3. Google Map (於手機或平板上開啟Google Map 應用程式,搜尋「醫護行社區藥房」,選取「即時通訊」或「Chat」之後傳送訊息給我們)
  4. 熱線電話: 3612 9515 (我們只有一條線)
  5. 門市查詢