The environment of where we live is a better predictor of our health than genetic code."
How can a person be healthy? We usually relate “being healthy” to factors like a balanced diet and doing regular exercise. In this case, when a person is unhealthy, is it merely because of “personal responsibility”, or simply because of “the incapability of self-management of health”? Indeed to a large extent that being healthy depends on various social and economic factors. External factors such as job nature, living environment and food production will affect the health condition of individuals. However, inequitable distribution of community resources brings obstacles to those with a lower social-economic status when achieving the status of being healthy, resulting in “health inequity.” Therefore, in order to ensure a person to be healthy, other than maintaining a personal healthy lifestyle, constructing a community which enables people to achieve a healthy lifestyle is also essential.
The community development work of Health In Action (HIA) includes cultivating public health literacy in the community and advocating the right to health and humanitarianism. We firmly believe that achieving healthy lives is a fundamental human right for every individual regardless of wealth, such that everyone should have the right to achieve it.
Our Community Development Work
A Hundred Imaginations of a Healthy Community

For a hundred people, there will be a hundred imaginations on a healthy community! Welcome to share your imagination on your healthy community! As the slang goes, “being selfish is shameful but useful”. The area of which you are most concerned about in the community is exactly your immediate needs when achieving a healthy community. You are very welcome to use a selfish way to brainstorm the possibilities of the community!